By M. Subhadra                                                    


“Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history. Unfortunately, it might also be the last, unless we learn how to avoid the risks.” – Stephen Hawking

When people come across the term artificial intelligence they take it to be a reference made to robots. Movies have created such an impact n the people that those machines wreak havoc on earth. Artificial intelligence (AI) is based on human intelligence that a machine can mimic easily. 

AI replaces technologies of the previous era which are considered to be outdated.

For example, calculations are done by simple computer functions now which required the use of calculators previously. It continuously evolves benefits to the industries. AI makes learning, reasoning, and perception easier.  

Artificial Intelligence 

It is a process where a human brain is programmed in a machine. The machines tend to think and act like human beings. The term may be applied or applicable to any machine with such a characteristic trait. The machines are powered with deep learning while some are powered with boring learning. 

AI and our daily life

AI positively affects our daily life. It is already a part of our daily life like bringing a reminder of meetings, suggesting articles/news of our interests, etc. It is expected to spread the whole of the database industry in a decade or two. 

It also has the potential in modifying the human intellect through social-economic institutions. 

AI and Indian legal system 

There are various ways in which AI is used and helpful to India and many countries around the globe. AI has shaped multiple industries. Apart from it being used in the industries, from robotic concierges in hotels to automated entertainment or in Cell phones, it has already placed its foot on the Indian legal system which is still in its early stages. 

Although AI has been just entering the legal field, lawyers are very comfortable relying on them. AI plays an important role in the way lawyers operate and the law is looked at in India.

Considering the field of legal research, AI might disrupt this field of legal research. This is the only sector that requires a significant amount of man-hours. This might lead to a situation where there might be lawyers losing their job. Artificially intelligent software can get the required research done in very few seconds. It also reduces the expenditure the firm might incur and also helps lawyers in advising their clients in a better way. It also helps the party to understand the case better and know what has to be done apart from litigating. 

There are six major fields that are considered to be useful 

  • Due diligence: To do drafting, conduct drafting, AI soft wares are always time effective.
  • Prediction Technology: They also have the chance of predicting the outcome of a case pending before the court of law. 
  • Legal Analytics: AI provides for the data points from past case laws, and also provides judgments and precedent law to be used by lawyers in their present cases.
  • Electronic Billing: It helps lawyers and clients. The lawyer can keep a proper note of invoices on the work done by them. It helps to maintain a systematic record. 
  • Intellectual Property: AI is itself considered to be intellectual property and it also plays an important role in IP portfolios.  
  • Automation and documentation: With the help of an AI, documents get ready to jump into the contract in very few minutes. 

AI and lawyers

The question which strikes every lawyer or aspiring law student is whether the AI platform replaces the lawyer and legal analyst or will assist in an increase in the capability and productivity of a firm. 

AI has improved the efficiency of lawyers, contract analysis, trademark search software, legal research software, and much more. 

But it is to be understood clearly that AI does not take away the job of a lawyer but assists him and helps him to accurately and saves time. It helps a lawyer in reducing his time and helps him to give more authentic and result-oriented suggestions to his clients. 

It should be accepted that they play a vital role in the Indian legal system and hence the industry is looking forward to more automated tools and software. 

Pros and Cons of AI

Positives of AI

The advantages of Artificial intelligence applications are enormous and can revolutionize any professional sector. Some of them are as below 

  1. Reduction in Human error: If programmed properly AIs do not make any mistakes. 
  2. Handles risks: It can handle risks and do activities for which humans have to risk their life like defusing a bomb, being a member of the army, etc.  
  3. Available all day and hour: AI can be accessed all day and whenever required. While an average human being can work only eight hours a day excluding breaks. 
  4. Helping in Repetitive Jobs: In a day many jobs are performed by a human being like sending a thank you mail, verifying documents, etc which can be effectively done by AI
  5. Digital Assistance: Some organizations use digital assistance to interact with clients like providing a chat box in which AI plays a good role. 
  6. Faster Decisions: AI makes decisions fast and quick as human beings look at a problem practically and emotionally where AI-powered machines provide results in a faster way. 

Negatives of AI 

AI also has certain disadvantages. Some important among them are discussed below

  1. High Costs of Creation: It requires quite an amount of money to update the software from time to time and involve maintenance 
  2. It makes all human beings lazy to an extent 
  3. It does not have any emotions and does not consider the feeling of a person before producing a result 
  4. It severely lacks out of box thinking as they do only those work for which they have been programmed. They lack lateral thinking. 


Artificial intelligence is neither a boon nor a bane. It might make a person lazy and but it helps others in which they become more effective than their predecessors. The rapid advancements have triggered the society in making them the issues of national relevance. There is an urgent need for the government to look into the development and requirement of AI.  However, currently, there are no laws for AIs in India. 

Hence AI being a part of today’s technology is always a good servant but a bad master. 

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