Patent Services

The creative work of a human intellect can be protected through several means and such protection is crucial and appropriate for encouraging Growth and Innovation in an Industry. Several forms of protection can be sought for an Innovation for the purpose of industrial development. Patent protection is one of the promising protection amongst the other forms. EXCELON IP delivers exceptional Patent Services in India with the best Patent Attorneys having subject matter expertise in various industries and practice domains. Generally, a Patent protection grants the Inventor various exclusive rights into the subject-matter in order to protect the technology from being copied and further commercialize it. Exclusive means that nobody else can Manufacture, Use and Import the exact or similar invention without the authorization of the patent holder. These rights are available for the duration of 20 years.

Conducting a thorough Prior Art Search is an important step before filing any new patent application. Any Corporations or Companies require proper due diligence before making an investment or entering into a new venture, similarly, a Patent Owner or an Inventor equally requires a proper due diligence before filing a patent application. Conducting a Prior Art Search and accessing various Patent information is the first important step in the process of due diligence. The searches are conducted within various national and international patent databases as well as non-patent literature available. Conducting a Prior Art Search also evaluates the probability of patent grant to an Invention to a certain extent.

Patent Search Services

Patent Search Services which further includes varied types of searches like

It is sensible to conduct a Patentability Search at the early stage where the inventor has developed an invention and is thinking of applying for the patent.  A patentability search reveals the documents necessary to the determination the ingredients of originality and novelty of the particular invention as well as the criteria of inventive step required for the invention to be patented. This type of search shall cover all the technical fields which may contain such materials significant to the invention.

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Patent Drafting Services

Innovation is the soul in a company’s lifecycle of growth. They are significant assets that must be discovered and protected and their ultimate value must be realized. Experts at Excelon IP provide affordable patent services to inventors and companies. While drafting a patent application the team of Excelon IP performs standard checks and scrutinizes all the characteristics of an invention at a very minute level in the best possible way as well as we appreciate the inputs from the client’s end, also the team stays close to the client.

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Patent Filing Services / Patent Registration Services

Once the techno-legal documents are complete with claims and specifications it is ready for filing. The application may be filed in single or multiple patent offices where every application is required to be filed in accordance with specific regional office requirements. A custom made filing strategy is prepared if the inventor wants to file the patent in multiple countries. On that basis the patent application can be filed through two ways, that is, patent cooperation treaty, or can be filed through the Paris convention route.

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Patent Prosecution Service

Once the application is filed, it is prosecuted in all the countries where the application is filed and an examination is conducted for such filed applications.

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Patent Opposition Services

According to Indian patent laws, any third party is allowed to raise any objections and file an opposition with regard to patent applications as well as granted patents. The Indian patent law offers two kinds of patent opposition: PRE grant opposition and POST grant opposition. The opposition filed prior to the grant of a patent is known as pre-grant opposition whereas, the opposition filed after the patent is granted is known as post-grant opposition. A patent can be challenged on many grounds in accordance with the patent amendment act, 2005.

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Patent Licensing Services

Understanding the worth of a patent is very significant to an organisation as well as looking out for strategies to monetize the patent is another big challenge. It is important to monetize intellectual property rights with appropriate strategies at the right time. Before preparing a licensing strategy it is required to perform an in-depth analysis of the industry as well as understand the strength and occlusions in their file. Accordingly, we at Excelon IP help our clients with best-in-class licensing strategies.

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Patent Valuation Services

Intellectual Property assets like patents are the very core of many companies and corporations. Quantifying the value of a patent is important for negotiating the deals for sale as well as for licensing. Also, such valuation of the patents can be offered as security for loans from banks as well as it attracts the attention of potent financiers or investors.

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Patent Analytics Services

To see a clearer picture of the patent in the current environment it is important to perform an analysis of patent information in order to understand the market sentiments, forecast futuristic trends and other unique insights. At Excelon IP, we will help you understand the changing scenarios of technology as well as the industry to help you decide the future of your intellectual property assets.

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PCT Patent Filing

PCT (Patent Co-operation Treaty) in an international treaty came in to existence in 1970. PCT facilitates patent filing in all its member state countries through single filing. PCT is managed by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) having head quarter at Geneva and have 156 contracting states/country as on November 2022.

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