Patent Drafting Services

To acquire a patent, the invention should be described fully including the claims with regard to the invention, precisely and in detail. While drafting a patent, it must be ensured that the disclosure must be presented in a way that a person possessing the knowledge of the field should be able to bring the invention to life frictionlessly. The patent draft is a technical representation in legal language and comprises of full scientific details of the invention and claims pertaining to the invention. Many consider patent drafting as easy which is not so in reality, instead of explaining something new or novel that has not existed ever before is a challenge in itself. The only cache here is, you must give attention to what is unique.

Patent Drafting Services for USA

We provide patent drafting services like drafting of provisional patent and drafting of non-provisional patent for USA based on our experience and expert team. We have technical experts to provide patent drafting for USA as per US patent law.

How will you really describe the novelty and inventive step of your invention?

For that, you will have to define, describe and illustrate every part of the invention in a manner such that the person with the knowledge of the particular field should understand the boundaries as well as the making and using the invention. One must also know about the types of patent application. Basically there are two kinds of patent applications that is, a provisional application and non-provisional application. The benefits of filing a provisional application include that one can claim the priority for the invention. You may file the application without any such detailed prior art information or any patent claims with regard to the invention for a provisional application. Cost of filing a provisional application is also less than filing a non-provisional application. It must be remembered that if you are going for a provisional patent application, later, you will have to file the Non-provisional application with 12 months. A non-provisional patent application shall have the full revelation of the invention with all claims, illustrations, descriptions complemented with their implementations.

Patent Drafting: An art

Drafting a patent is more of an art in itself. Most of the inventors are quite distinguished and describes the exact inventive characteristics of their invention. While drafting a patent you don’t have to describe the best part of your patent, but rather you have to describe every part of it if it works at all. Also, you can do enhancements to your disclosure by providing quality illustrations (patent drawings) because drawings will be considered complemented with words. As we know the visual signals escalates quickly through the brain, so patent drawings are very much significant while giving full disclosure of an invention. Ultimately, the aim is to describe the unique characteristics of the invention to someone from the technical field, but if there really is an idea which can be brought to life, there will be something new, which cannot be understood and appreciated unless it is described. Drafting is not as simple as it looks while reading any patent specification. Each invention is different, its prior arts are different, so each case of patent drafting is a fresh new case and needs to understand thoroughly to draft it properly.

Patent Drawing & Patent Illustration Services

Our Patent Draftsmen and Patent Illustrators are well versed with multiple practice domains and have multiple years of experience. Drafting a patent is a skill which requires training and a patent attorney is a well versed with the technical jargon and claim grammar. Also, an inventor can draft their own patent, but it is recommended to appoint a patent attorney to revamp the chances of obtaining a patent. As once you filed a patent application, you can not amend the specification later. We are a dedicated team of IP professionals at Excelon IP who provide inventors, Startups, SMEs, companies and other entities with drafting techno-legal documents among other patent services with full involvement and dedication. As we have experienced drafting huge number of patents, we also suggest applicant for any improvement or modification of feature addition which can create value addition to their inventions.