The process of E-discovery comprises of many actions altogether which begin with litigation and ends until the documents are presented in a court of law by both the parties. Once litigation is instituted, a legal hold will be implemented on both party and after which both are responsible to preserve and retain relevant information and documents in the electronic format. Legal attorneys from both fronts make requests for E-discovery. Once a framework is set, then the data from different electronic sources is collected which will be presented in the court at a later stage after the whole process of e-discovery. But before preserving every document, it is important to determine the relevancy of the documents. Attorneys has various methods of identifying the relevancy of the identified records.

A similar process also happens when there is the litigation of ANDA products in the USA. However, in e-discovery of ANDA litigation, certain strategies to be done to reduce the unnecessary cost of collecting, storing and processing huge data. At EXCELON IP, we can provide a highly efficient and cost-effective strategy which can be used for the process of E-discovery. EXCELON IP team reviews all the documents and remove the duplicate copies and the waste data and attempts to minimize the cost which would otherwise be very expensive to the clients if he/she doesn’t pursue the process of E-discovery without a well-formed strategy.

Now when the data is collected, the relevant documents have been identified and the cost of data storage has been optimized, it is to be decided how the documents will be produced in court as potential evidence at different stages during the trial.

There are various factors which influence the activity of E-discovery like nature & size of the business entity, industry to which the organisation belongs or the kind of business the organisation is engaged in and structure of data storage within the company as well as nature of litigation.

The IP professionals at Excelon IP are equipped with expertise in the E-discovery processes of ANDA litigation & helps clients in the life-cycle of E-discovery in all kinds of litigation matters. We, at Excelon IP, help our clients with cost-effective and quality-driven E-discovery Services including but not limited to identification of custodian, identifying relevant data and location, collection of data, processing of data through e-discovery vendor with agreed keyword strategies, reviewing the documents and classifying accordingly and submitting final documents to concern attorney.

We are a team of IP attorneys at Excelon IP who are competent to deliver solutions to complicated E-discovery challenges using our state of the art expertise. We acknowledge and experience that one solution doesn’t go well in all circumstances, so our team of experts collaborate with clients to create a well-tailored approach and appropriate use of technologies for each scenario.