Patent Analytics Services

Acquiring patent protection and doing a thorough analysis of a patent idea are just the two sides of the same coin. It’s not enough to acquire a patent but it is also necessary to analyse the idea through different perspectives for instance feasibility or viability and commercialization. It is also important to know about the industry and how the idea when in the form of a product will sync with the industry. To perform all of these functions you require to do a thorough patent analysis. We have a team of Patent Analysts and Patent Attorneys to provide you with the best Patent Analytics Services in Ahmedabad, India with the best value for your time and money.

What is Patent Analytics?

Patent information is very significant to an inventor, a startup, a company or any research organization. Patent analytics is basically a tool which organizes the patent information which can be interpreted to know about the insights of the technology and forecast the futuristic trends and potential of the same. Patent analytics is of specific importance and a very important source of technical information that helps in making decisions regarding the future of the patent, that is whether the research and development should be conducted in such industry? or whether to tail around that product in the important markets or not?

This is also important as the analysis helps you in understanding not only the current state of technology in the particular industry but also helps you forecast the future trends thereby provides key indicators which help in obtaining the current state of technology in the industry. This Patent information is also used by many research organisations to interpret, compile and present a report on trends in R&D. Moreover, using a patent analytics tool, one can forecast the future trends in a particular class of technology of a particular region & in a specific sector of the industry or in a different combination of multiple regions for multiple sectors of a domain etc.

Patent Data Analysis | EXCELON IP – Patent Search & Analysis Experts

At Excelon IP, our team of experts provides patent analytics to clients and advise them by making interpretations of such analysis in their best interest. We offer certain patent analytics services like patent landscape analysis, technology mapping, white space search analysis and competitor analysis.

Patent Landscape Analysis

Patent landscape analysis uses the patent search results, aims to produce a range of references accompanied by an analysis from which an understanding of innovation in the technical area can be obtained. The know-how helps organisations in building designs around the already existing technology, also the identification of potential licensees and optimization and mapping strategic research and development activities in an organisation.

Technology Mapping

By technology mapping, one can know and understand about the other organisations working in the same area, as well as the future trends of technology, also the amount of time the invention will possibly take to hit the market, and potential customers of the technology etc. Technology mapping provides a 360 picture of any technology, market trends and competition.

Whitespace Analysis

White-space analytics is very important for innovation as it helps identify the white space or gaps in the current state of industry and technology thereby providing a direction for innovation and exclusivity in the industry and the technological area. It provides you ready report with identification of your soft target to create some innovation and being a first in market kind of things.

Importance of Patent Analysis Reports

Before conducting patent analytics you should have a clear goal or purpose for conducting it. As explained above how important it is to know the worth as well as about the insights of technology, IP and the business in order to make an approach towards commercializing a patent. Doing patent analytics is a lengthy process, and more time-consuming, if you haven’t performed it before. It is recommended to hire a professional patent attorney to help you with conducting patent analytics and make an interpretation in your best interest. Our team of experts at Excelon IP provides for various kinds of patent analytics services to our clients. Using our expert reports you may find interesting insights about the trends as well as the true market potential of your invention or future target for your R&D.