Alefiya Kagda & Excelon IP Design Trademark is a simple[…read more ]
This article focuses on the involvement of section 3 (k)[…read more ]
After the adjournment of the deadline twice & all the[…read more ]
Abstract Regulatory exclusivity is one strategy apart from intellectual property[…read more ]
The provision of Compulsory License (CL) has been having its[…read more ]
With the ever-growing need for invention & creation which ultimately[…read more ]
CPhI Worldwide, the world’s largest Pharma Exhibition is about happening[…read more ]
CII MoMSME Intellectual Property Facilitation Centre (IPFC) in association with[…read more ]
We would like to thank for your support and patient[…read more ]
At EXCELON IP, we are committed to reaching to a[…read more ]