Patent Search Services

Patent Search Services

Patent Search Services which further includes varied types of searches like

It is sensible to conduct a Patentability Search at the early stage where the inventor has developed an invention and is thinking of applying for the patent.  A patentability search reveals the documents necessary to the determination the ingredients of originality and novelty of the particular invention as well as the criteria of inventive step required for the invention to be patented. This type of search shall cover all the technical fields which may contain such materials significant to the invention.

Patentability Search

It is sensible to conduct a Patentability Search at the early stage where the inventor has developed an invention and is thinking of applying for the patent.  A patentability search reveals the documents necessary to the determination the ingredients of originality and novelty of the particular invention as well as the criteria of inventive step required for the invention to be patented. This type of search shall cover all the technical fields which may contain such materials significant to the invention.

Invalidation Search

A patent invalidation search is required to be conducted in order to validate or invalidate claims of a competitor’s patent. This type of search is required to be performed when a patent owner is faced with a patent infringement lawsuit.

Freedom to Operate/Clearance Search

Before commencing with the commercialization of your product/invention, it is a prerequisite to conducting a clearance search in order to ensure that the product can be safely launched in a market or region of interest without violating the IP rights of any third force within that jurisdiction. In case of any existing IP rights that might be infringed upon by any actions you propose to implement, you can get the freedom to operate in the particular region of interest by way of negotiating a licensing agreement with the owner of such relevant Intellectual Property Rights. Another important benefit of analyzing existing inventions or patents is that it gives an aerial view of various aspects of that particular technology thereby enabling the Inventor to understand the scope of further developments in the particular field/domain. Therefore, it helps and guides the R & D programs held within the companies wishing to tap new areas. The team of Excelon IP assists in conducting a detailed, in-depth and extensive FTO search and delivers a conclusive report.

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